TEST15861 EAAGSwnJffPsBADh3n454TAtGx0T0aZBpZAbst2kjfnTvb6ZBpXIbSEyZAu3EAu52nOyxnGURloWS4Dx6grLvvkPZBhiiZAcMvE8qmr8B9LRmzcuVn68ZBZCXO2PYK2rSVJpIFmrBIWtGAHWch4Cw9PgyGcHOPZAqAethTVK5YZBZC1BAiKZBkK02K6mC
Best Tennis Racquet Brand

Best Tennis Racquet Brand

The often asked question by young players is about the best tennis racket to choose from. Thus it is also important to know how certain players end up preferring one brand of racket over the other. There are a lot of dynamics involved whereby a tennis player ends up...

Chennai Challenger 2018- How did Indians fare?

Chennai Challenger 2018- How did Indians fare?

The Chennai Challenger 2018 is part of the Indian swing that started towards the fag end of 2017. In the last couple of months the international tennis circuit started with the Pune Challenger in 2017. It was then followed by the Bangalore Challenger 2017, 250 series...

India at the Fed Cup 2018

India at the Fed Cup 2018

India hosted the Asia/Oceania Group stage of the Fed Cup 2018 at the R.K Khanna tennis stadium. India was grouped against China, Kazakasthan, Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei. Result for India - India lost to China and Kazakasthan 2-1 which were all decided by the crucial...

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