TEST15861 EAAGSwnJffPsBADh3n454TAtGx0T0aZBpZAbst2kjfnTvb6ZBpXIbSEyZAu3EAu52nOyxnGURloWS4Dx6grLvvkPZBhiiZAcMvE8qmr8B9LRmzcuVn68ZBZCXO2PYK2rSVJpIFmrBIWtGAHWch4Cw9PgyGcHOPZAqAethTVK5YZBZC1BAiKZBkK02K6mC

Arjun Kadhe – back with a bang!

Arjun Kadhe, the tall Punekar has multiple hats on his head. After completing his studies at Oklahoma State University where he honed his tennis skills playing for it, he came back to professional tennis last year. Even though he was away from professional tennis for...

Harsh Mankad – Infusing Science Into Tennis

Harsh Mankad has been one of India`s finest tennis players. In a matter of three years since turning pro he reached close to 200 on the ATP singles ranking. He was also ranked No.1 in the NCAA Division 1 ranking while playing for the University of Minnesota. He is...
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